Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inauguration Day

... all are equal, all are free, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness.
Barack Obama - Inaugural Address - 01/20/09

Though I couldn't be there, we've managed to have our own little party, or at least a special lunch prepared for Inaugural Day. How about molasses cake with whipped cream and topped with a tiny paper American flag?

Here's Dad pouring dressing on his salad. We also had a dish with a variety of colorful peppers, baked potatoes, peas and some leftover hash from yesterday (poured over white bread, it's even better the second time around). Oh, and a soybean 'hotdog'!

OK, so I didn't make it to Washington as I had hoped. Dad's two recent falls have made that unwise, I think. But as you can see (below), I probably got a better view than those who stood on the cold streets of the nation's capital. ABC broadcast the entire event in high-definition so my "seat" coulnd't be beat. Still, there's something special when you can say "I was there". Well, I can't. But I enjoyed a nice meal with family and we didn't miss a beat.
There's hope again for the years ahead.!