Saturday, October 1, 2011

Apple Crisp

 Every fall we head to Crossroad Orchard (on SR 725 west of Miamisburg). This year we've been there three times. The first trip we bought half a peck of Jonathan's; on the following trips we bought two half pecks of Winesap's, one of the best apples we've eaten. Both are crisp and slightly tart; they're great when married with sugar and cinnamon.
 Today Mom made apple crisp, another important fall event. Though she makes this throughout the year - with apples from the grocery - it seems better with the locally-grown apples. Today is cool (just 50°) and windy and the leaves are beginning to turn. A perfect day to fire up the oven.

 Winesap's fresh from the tree are perfect for apple crisp. They're somewhat tart, a requirement for a dish which adds very sweet ingredients. A cup of strong black coffee is required to enjoy this dessert. Again, it's the contrast that makes it perfect. Don't like coffee? Then don't bother!

 Mom peels and cores the apples, then cut them into nice sized chunks. A cup of coffee, as you can see, is even required for this stage of the dessert. The lemon? Squirting a little bit on the apples adds another layer of tartness and is essential.

 Apple peels ready for the compost, Mom begins spooning the cinnamon topping on the dish prior to baking. As the apple crisp bakes, the house is flooded with the sweet smell of apples and cinnamon. It's the scent of fall at Pinehaven.

 The finished product awaits the first bite. I can tell you, it's as perfect as always.
 Want to make it yourself? The recipe is here.