Saturday, May 31, 2014

White-tailed Squirrel

 They were called "unique" by a newspaper in Iowa newspaper two years ago. Vince Evelsizer, a wildlife biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, called them "relatively rare" in that same story which appeared in the Globe Gazette (Mason City, IA) on June 4, 2012.

 He had never seen one.

 Since that time, there have been more reports in Illinois and Indiana. Now I've spotted my first here in Ohio. This one has been scampering about Pinehaven all spring.

 The squirrel is not an albino. They have normal-colored eyes and body fur. The white tail is a recessive trait of gray squirrels. The mother must have a white tail, too.

 The four pictures I'll post are each different even though they appear quite similar. The squirrel was sitting on our back porch last evening. The sun had not set and I was shooting into the light, not a good angle for a clear photograph. I was also shooting through the back storm door.

 When the squirrel runs up a tree, it looks like he is being chased by a ghost.

 The white tail is an extension of the fur on his underbelly, also snow white.

 It'll be interesting to see if we see others of this type in the years ahead.

[Credit: Globe Gazette]


  1. Never heard of this! Interesting and thanks for sharing - I have seen an albino squirrel before, they, too, are quite beautiful!

  2. I just photograph one yesterday at my back door in Oregon Ohio. Never seen one until then.

    1. We have 2 coming to our bird feeder.

    2. Seen one today in Brunswick hills oh!!

  3. Thanks for the input, Ann. I see you're well north of me and a little east. That follows the eastward pattern that seems to have developed. I think we'll hear lots more about these in the years to come.

  4. Just saw one of these guys here in southern MN. I didn't know what the heck it was I had to look it up. Pretty cool hope he sticks around! Bill

  5. Thanks for the report! It sounds like the area is expanding quickly. At this rate, in a few years, they'll be common. But we can say we saw them first.

  6. One keeps coming around here in my backyard in Cleveland,Ohio.

  7. Just saw my first one in my backyard. Fort Wayne, Indiana

  8. We have one on Middle Bass Island, Lake Erie, OH

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. We have one in Winnipeg,Canada too

  11. Seen 2 Today In My Backyard Fairview-Erie County,Pa.

  12. We just spotted a real young white tailed squirrel in our back yard in Columbus, Oh. I thought at first it was a rabbit, but then realized it was a squirrel. We have at least 3 very young squirrels in our back yard, and about 3-4 adults. There may be more since I see them all over during walks through the neighborhood. But this is the first one I've seen with a stubby white tail! Hoping it comes back so I can take a picture!
