Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cinnamon Roll/Cake ... beyond belief!

 When I see a recipe on Facebook that interests me, I either post the link on my Timeline or I print the recipe right then and there. I did both in the past two weeks for this delicious cinnamon roll/cake. And now, the recipe is gone.

 Thankfully the printout is right here.. And finally, with some time on my hands this afternoon, I began to mix it up. If a link to the recipe is found, I'll post it at the end of this blog. If not, you'll just have to admire my photographs.

 This is the finished roll ... sweet as can be, an explosion of warm cinnamon.
 If you don't like sweet things, you won't like this. There is a cup of sugar (white) in the batter, another cup (brown) in the topping and yet two more cups (powdered) in the topping. It's also heavy with butter: half a cup in the batter and a full cup in the topping. Don't even think about the calories.

 This is the roll right out of the oven. You "cut" the cinnamon topping into the raw batter with a knife, marbling the roll through and through with sticky cinnamon syrup. The roll comes out of the oven misshapen from these cuts. Pretty as can be.

 Then the glaze is added ... drizzled over the still-warm roll so that it flows down into all the valleys.

 I've removed a slice for "testing" purposes here. I have to tell you, I was a bit dizzy from the delectable taste, the fragrant cinnamon wafting up to my nose. Or maybe it was just the sugar.
 Maybe the recipe is copyrighted and was removed for that reason. Until the link is found, I'll assume that's the case and say no more.

Update: Thanks to Sherry Wead Lummis for locating the original recipe. Check out the Chef in Training website and get the recipe from the source by clicking here. They deserve full credit and visitors to their site for this wonderful roll.

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