Sunday, March 17, 2019

Amaryllis Blooms

 Some time back, Tom ordered an amaryllis bulb mail-order. We forgot what color it was supposed to be so we've been anticipating its blooming for some time. Here's how the bulb progressed:

03/14 - Full Bloom!


 The bulb was planted sometime in January and by early February was showing signs of growth. I was surprised to see two bloom stalks erupting from the bulb.



 This is the first hint we had of what the color would be. Early signs pointed to a shade of apricot.


 The color became even more apparent just a day later.


 Two flowers began to open. But - alas! - only one made it to full bloom. The others mysteriously dried up. I may have allowed the soil to dry too much?


 Isn't the color exceptional?


 The second bloom stalk is getting buds ready to open. I'm keeping the soil consistently damp, even wet at times.


 And so the plant has provided several months of entertainment. It's amazing what nature unfolds from a dry bulb. Of course a seed is even more amazing.

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