Sunday, May 1, 2022

Squirrely Behavior


 On Friday Tom came into the house and told me that there was a squirrel sitting at the top of our etagere in one flower bed. "He didn't move even w hen I got close," Tom said.

 I wondered if he was stuck. I have chicken wire inside the etagere which helps contain and support the sweet peas I grow there. I could envision his fur (or tail!) getting stuck in the metal lattice of the fencing material and not knowing how to extricate himself.

 I went out a little later to mow and the squirrel was in the same spot. This is certainly strange squirrel behavior, I walked closer and closer and still he stayed. He looked at me inquisitively but made no move to run.

 But I could not see where any part of him was stuck. He seemed to be just sitting there enjoying the view.

 But I thought, how would I remove him if I had to? Certainly he would bite and I doubted any of my gloves were thick enough for the task. If a squirrel can open a nut, I dread to think what he could do to my hand.

 With these thoughts I began to mow. Later - perhaps half an hour - I came back to fill the mower with gas. He didn't like the sound of the mower at all and hopped down and scampered off.

 So he was simply unafraid of Tom and I but the mower proved too much.


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