In the front flower bed, we have several clumps of these plants: Muscari armeniacum
They require no care at all. Simply plants the bulbs once and do nothing more than stand back and watch the flowers multiply year to year.
I surmise a spot I watch in Germantown is a blanket of these planted in a lawn. I watch as I drive by and see the greening grass suddenly gone blue and then fade back to green as the season progresses. Some day I'll have to park my car and walk closer and see if these flowers are one and the same.
Inside the kitchen window we've brought a small bouquet of the clusters of purple and we can marvel close-up at their tiny bell shapes, their fringe of white beneath. In my mind, they have something in common with our Lily of the Valley, though the later are more bulbous and, of course, white throughout the flower.
In any case, these tiny flowers that resemble clusters of hanging grapes, are one of the sure signs of spring in our flower beds.