This year, Saturday (09/26) began a little misty but the sun broke through in the afternoon. I talked with Molly Patton of Miss Molly's Bakery & Cafe (Farmersville) and she said she woke up Friday night worried about their tent. It survived, though the number of vendors who set up shop exceeded the usual space in Veterans Memorial Park and Molly was one of those who had to set up in a grassy overflow area.

This shot (above) shows one of the sidewalks at the park early Saturday morning, probably about 10 a.m. There was already quite a crowd but nothing like what would come later.
We came back at 3 p.m. because we wanted to hear The Greasers (all shots below). They're a Germantown band that disbanded in 1999 but came back together this year. Three of the four original members are still there; now they number ten.

This view (above) is a long shot of The Greasers beginning their 2.5 hour set in the park's gazebo. Let me tell you: they're good and they're loud!

Getting a little closer to the music, the crowd was certainly enjoying themselves.

The main singers are Randy Stiver, Richard Schoonover and Ric Hacker. Ashley Stiver also helps with vocals. Gerald Emerick plays bass; Don Frame is on drums; Bill Emerick and Brandon Schoonover play guitar; Steven Cross plays keyboard; and Julie Stiver plays saxophone.

I was impressed! There are plenty of good musicians but these guys are simply exceptional!
A view from behind the band, shooting this picture through the open back of the gazebo.

The band piled their equipment at the side of the gazebo.
Mom and enjoyed both trips to the festival. As always Mom buys homemade bread that a Germantown church offers. I finally bought a soft pretzel (that's the point of the festival, after all) as I found a church selling huge pretzels for $2 (the commercial food area sold small ones for $2, the large ones for $3).
The event ran Saturday and Sunday.