Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Land of Lincoln - Part 2

The "Lincoln Depot" was Lincoln's last stop before departing Springfield for Washington in 1861.

The Lincoln-Herndon Law Offices stand across the street from the "Old State Capital" in the heart of downtown Springfield. The free tour is exceptional. Lincoln practiced law here from 1843 to 1852, right above Seth Tinsley's store. The post office was located here, too.

The current Illinois State Capital building is located nearby and it is massive and impressive. I enjoyed looking up along the tall pillars. While we were there, tornado warnings sounded and lawmakers were encouraged to find safe cover. The storm dropped great amounts of rain (3-4") and the clouds swirled but there were no funnels on the ground.

A wider view of the current State Capital Building. This picture was taken late in the day when the lighting was first being switched on. First the highest point and then lights lit the structure from the sides. A wonderful sight!