Sunday, July 27, 2008

What's Bloomin' ?

What's prettier than a rose? Especially this one, an Abraham Lincoln? It's about as red as the brightest fire engine and it takes your breath away as you first spot the bud opening. This poor rose is resilient, too. We first planted it in our front flower bed and found we didn't want our roses spread around. So we moved all of them to a bed behind the garage. The AL rose may have been insulted for a few weeks, but it's come back as strong as ever.

Here's a better view of the entire bloom. I can't help myself with the close-up's, they're so detailed and pretty. But sometimes it is good to stand back and take in the whole picture. Our house and garage, too, are brick so a perfect backdrop is provided for this rose.

Then, too, without any particular name - other than I think it to be an heirloom variety - is this yellow rose. It doesn't have the depth of the AL rose nor the number of petals, but it is pretty in it's simplicity. Sometimes pedigree doesn't matter.

And this one (below) isn't a rose at all but shares in the blooming right now and in the same bed as the roses. It's a yarrow, known for the tea that you can brew from the leaves. I remember in the 1960's watching my mother sip the medicinal brew. She's in her 80's now, so maybe it does have a beneficial effect?

I might have missed these flowers altogether but for the mosquitoes. I had planned to walk to the woods through the edge of the meadow but found it overgrown and alive with biting, bloodsucking mosquitoes. I soon had enough of that and came back to the safety of the yard. Mosquito time and raspberry time coincide in this part of the country so I suppose we have a little good with the bad. These flowers strike me as only good.