Monday, June 11, 2018

Window Washing Begins

 Each year Mom and I would face our annual window washing with dread. When we first moved into Pinehaven it was an autumn project, a get-ready-for-winter deal. But we soon enough found that we were slowing down - or the snows were speeding up - and we kept moving the date earlier every year. In recent years we'd begin in August, even July.

 As you can see, it's June. And I'm beginning the project alone. So I thought I'd do a window or two every chance I got, and eventually have the whole house clean. Last year Mom was already not feeling well and we completed only the first floor.

 The procedure was this: I'd clean a window, take the curtains to the laundromat, and she'd iron them and I'd rehang them. This year I don't have Mom helping but I do have a washer and a dryer and I expect that will streamline the operation somewhat. I also have Nancy volunteering to iron the curtains.

 All told, I should be OK. I have help lined up and I have begun early enough.

 To honor Mom I began with the north window in her bedroom. This requires moving a desk but otherwise the window is easily accessible.

 My procedure is to wash the inside frame, take both sections of glass out and wash them on a sheet spread on the floor. Then I go outside, set up a ladder and wash the outside. Finally I wash the screen (which we keep in place but seldom use), set it up against the garage to dry as I begin to reassemble the window.

 It would be nice to have the newer tilt-in windows but ours are probably 1970's vintage and they require the pieces to be taken apart and cleaned one by one.

 My regular ladder barely reaches the second floor windows. When I'm standing near the top I have to hold on for dear life, I have a heavy, longer fiberglass ladder but I cannot lift it alone. And so I use this shorter one.

 After washing Mom's window I moved to the window at the top of the stairs. Both are on the north side of the house.

 The same window pictured with the ladder is shown above from inside. This is my portable work area. I move a sheet along and use that as a drop-cloth as I clean the various panes.

 I chose today because I knew it would be cooler and cloudy. That makes for easier work. But as I began, so did a light rain and I gathered up a ball cap to keep my head dry as I worked atop the ladder. It was a pleasant 68° as I began my work.

Will I finish before the first flakes of snow fall? My intentions are good, at least.

[Note to self: Finishing both floors the week of May 17, 2018. Make this an every-other-year event. Next year just wash the outsides. I'm getting too old for this! - Bill]

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