Here's a view of Pinehaven as it looked in this morning's sun. It was still pleasant then - a low of 58 degrees with a nice layer of dew on the grass. But how quickly that pleasant time has passed. We're to approach 90 this afternoon and beat that by a few degrees tomorrow.
What's new with Pinehaven? Well, the heat pump (lower left) is now our sole source of heating and cooling. I thought I'd made a smart move going all-electric. But no! Electric costs are up about 20% and fuel oil is down about 40%. So, as usual I've done the wrong thing. How do I manage to pull that off time and again? You'd think I'd hit it right once.
In addition, the chimney on the south side of the house (left) is gone. We had it taken down when the new roof was installed last year. The dimensional shingles, by the way, should be good for 30 years. That should exceed my own warranty.
Pinehaven was built as early as 1891 (thus the "at 118" reference) but it could have been as late as the first decade of the 20th century. We just don't know for sure. In any case, it's now passed the century mark.