November 17: The average temperature today should be 41°. But it's 28° at 9 am and the forecast is for a low tonight of 11°. A year ago today? 63°. And last winter was absolutely brutal.
But to add insult the injury, we woke to 3" of snow on the ground. We've had a few flurries this year but this is the first measurable snow. I woke about 5 am and heard traffic moving slowly and saw the light level was oddly bright. Later I hear a snow plow go by Pinehaven. There are 178 school or business closings. Valley View is among them.
I took this series of pictures at about 7:30 am. The snow was still falling fairly heavily.
A day ago the back of our house was bathed in pleasant sunshine. Not so this morning. On November 11 we hit 63°. That's just six days ago. How quickly one of those "Polar Vortex's" will change our view. This is the exact same problem we had last winter, wicked cold fronts lined up one after the other.
Looking towards my rain gauge (centered, low), this is a true winter wonderland view. The creepy white thing on the right is a wisteria vine growing on the flag pole. It looks like cold arms reaching out, octopus-like..
The maple by the barn is enveloped - and covered - in white. Meanwhile falling snowflakes are lit by the camera's flash (purposely).
From the driveway apron, I'm looking towards Clayton Road for this shot. It's not visible beneath the snow. Our driveway, in fact, is barely outlined by the railroad ties which the Mink's installed many decades ago.
Looking out my second floor bathroom window, the view is nearly obliterated by the nearby maple festooned by snow clinging to every branch. It would seem the full three inches is held aloft.
Later, looking north out a second floor window, the wood pile and meadow lie buried in snow. This is one of my most familiar views, the first scene I see every morning as I began down the steps.
The entire week ahead looks cold ... nights in the teens, highs only in the twenties.
Winter 2014-2015 has arrived early.
Beautiful photography, but I'm glad I'm enjoying it far away. Been there, done that.